Yesterday at around 2 am I started giving more attention to my DS. I played for almost 2 hours. My friend got me the new Mario Bros. I played that last night and it was a blast. I played a game I have been waiting for years to play called MOON.
I was not sure how it would play but it was pretty fun to start. You control with the stylus and shoot with left bumper button. get a mini robot that helps you open other doors. That was a pretty neat dynamic I thought. After tiring of the DS because by that time it had to have been at least 3 a.m., I went on the internet and started looking at Pokemon. Of all things why was I looking at the pocket monsters? I have no idea. I started drawing some pokemon and had fun doing it.
Then I saw the light shine from the outside of my window...fuck it was already 4:30 a.m.
Lately, I have also been recording my dreams and I wonder why. Why? Why? I would not be able to tell you only that recording them is making me realize I dream some crazy shit.
Thank god the day ended better than it did yesterday.
Yesterday: I spent at least 4 and a half hours on Stats class. It is an online class and the homework has gotten progressively harder. I just was angry and frustrated with the material so I said fuck it and went for a walk. I think the walk helped me clear the bullshit stat cobwebs and think about life.
Here's to a better day.