Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Listening to Redman and where my life's at

Listening to Redman and where my life’s at

Posted on June 26, 2013by andres256

Listening to Redman is good shit. I mean when you’re grooving to his rhymes it is good stuff.
Good god, this has been the most productive summer ever. All work. Yeah, I guess that’s what happens when you get outta school.
Well, I am saving up for my trip to Florida. All though, due to NSA reason I can’t tell you where exactly. Those fuckers always keeping tabs on us…dear Krejci that’s not cool.
I am reading a book called Neuromancer. So far so good as it is about a hacker is what I can tell.
Although, maybe he’s not a hacker but a data thief. Anyway this guy named Case has to steal data from a big corporation.
I am highly intrigued by all the sci-fi-ness to the book. The terminology is a lot. The author is fucking bright.
Also, hopefully, dear god, if my fucking brother gets his head outta his ass we can start our show.
More details coming if ya’ll peepz are interested.
