Falling through the sky
I mean sometimes it feels this vessel that we call a body is not operating at full capacity. Falling , falling and more falling through the sky. What the fuck does that mean?
What is the rhythm that is used writing this? I mean sometimes it feels like I am not in control of the vessel. Why refer to the body as a vessel. If we are spirit energy are we in a vessel? Or do we just float in time and space?
Contemplative words make it so you do think about what is going on. Is there any way we don’t operate at full capacity? Sometimes I feel I am not in control. This is bad. Real bad.
So if you do fall through a proverbial sky I think you have to have a fail safe system. Something your body has to tell you you’re in control.
Think about it. We don’t live in delusional states. We live with control. And yet sometimes it is an etheral feeling. Why?
I don’t fucking know. Most the time I have control over my temple. Enough control to let the vessel know I am in control.
Plus, you need to watch Being John Malkovich.
I am just tired and need rest. Lately, I have been angry. It is not the universe’s fault or god’s fault . It is just a hard life lesson that apparently I have a hard time comprehending.
We are more complicated creatures.