Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tulowitziki being traded pisses me off

And it is not like Troy Tulowitziki is the best SS in baseball or anything.

OR is it. Fuck yeah it is.

When the Rockies let go of Tulo for a hurt Reyes and two awful pitching prospects. What are you left with?

A fucking angry fan. Ever since the inaugural season I wondered about the Rockies and their pitching. Then you go back to the Mike Hampton. What could be considered one of the worst trades in baseball. Or if you're a Rockies fan in Rockies history.
It historically set the tone for the most inane moves the Rockies would do.
And now with the Tulo trade it makes no sense happy or not for Tulo to be traded.
Because case in point the Rockies now get two hurt players and a minor league prospect.

But! The Rockies need pitching. And the pitching from the two new players will not alleviate the season. We are not going to the postseason. That's just a ferry boat to far out of reach. So now you build up your farm system. You find pitchers.
Eddie Butler as mentioned before is not ready. But when he'll be ready he could be a solid starter. You have to be able to pitch in the majors. The San Fran Giants know all about that having won the World Series last year. The Rockies don't understand what the fuck pitching is. They should have addressed the 10 year pitcher syndrome, 10 fucking years a go.
I have a right to be angry.
This is a bone headed ill-timed fucking stupid move. The Rockies will probably pay for it too.

I can't wish Tulo success in Toronto. Because realistically he's headed to the Padres where the need for a short stop is dire. Rockies better figure out their shit because I am getting sick and tired of losing seasons. Just sick in tired of the bullshit. Sick and tired of the excuses.
Sick and tired of not being able to compete. That's pathetic not to have good pitching. Pay THE FUCKING money. Just do it. Stop trading franchise players and pay the money.

Scenario 1: You keep Tulo and let him rest. I don't give a shit if his value goes down. YOU KEEP HIM. Hurt or not you keep him. Trade value, fuck all that. Look for pitching.You're in the basement of the NL West. Build up the farm system. We drafted an SS for chrissakes.
WhERE was the draft of a pitcher>?


Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Hands of destiny.

Suddenly, you are a rabbit. You are tied down to a clock with no where to go at all.

What the hell? How am I rabbit?
I dunno. Just roll with it.

This is not conundromous but you do understand that there's a priest of there with erudytic knowledge, right?

He has a purple cloak. Something you've seen out of a Harry Potter movie or some blackened silk he found and wore. So now you the rabbit are just wiggling your goddamn bunny nose in anticipation . How did you ever get here. As far as you fucking knew you were in a golden cage with 4 kinds of locks.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Bloodborne is a boomerang not a hurricane.

To me it seems like Bloodborne is a boomerang and not a hurricane.
In the sense that when I play the game I need to boomerang back to it. Not because it is boring but because it is so fucking difficult. That or the game just wears you out. I haven't played a lot of games that wear me out.

I am not sure what games have worn me out. I think Metroid Prime for the Gamecube. When you don't know where to go it is very frustrating. Baldur's Gate 2 Shadow of Amn. Though, the game is a master piece thus far I am still at my wit's end on how to keep trudging through. Though, I have a new character so that's good. I have been tooling around with just 2 characters the whole time. Dialogue is important in that game. Star Ocean is just another game where I gave up because I got lost. I wasn't sure where to go and said fuck it. A game I'd like to return to. I am a faggot.

I have advanced a lot in Bloodborne. It is great because I have earned my progress and have been rewarded.
