Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Walking Dead midseason review

Well , I really can't just rev up the spoilers now can I.

I am just very relieved that a character has returned. And I am very, very, excited about the direction of season 6.

This to me has been the strongest season since season 1. And yeah, I have been watching season 1. I have watched 5 full years of the Walking Dead. I have loved every bit of it too.

Episode 7 was just to me so damn spectacular. And 8 just tried to ratchet up the tension. So much fucking blood. That's always a good thing. But the tension shown by some characters is knife-butter cutting tension and god is it good!

The Walking Dead can only keep expanding getting better. And without giving anything away for episode 9 when  it returns in February....shit is about to hit the fan a billion times a second. The gore will be amped up and the blood will be squeezed even more. Earth shattering shit will prolly happen.
And like Game of Thrones we need to be on edge .

The only way to achieve that is to brutally murder characters we love.
So we need to be cautious as fans and highly on alert about characters we love.
This show pulls no punches. And I love it for the brutal challenges that Rick and the others have to run into. We have a fantastic show and I can't wait as of writing this for more Walking Dead.

I am still behind on the comic. But the show is really light in comparison.
I can't wait to see what Kirkman and Co. have in store.

Brutally .........delicious!
Zombie-killing at it's finest.

Go kill more zombies!
Gotta kill them good.
By any means necessary.
Die zombies die!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hot topic: Backlogs of video games

Yes, normally during the summer it seems like you have infinite time to game.

Let's assess what games I am currently playing:

Fallout 4
The Witcher
You Must Build a Boat
Clicker Heroes

I dabble in Planetside 2. I love that game and want to put more time in it.
I am all over the map with FPS's . I just got back into Tribes.

My completion of games is dismal this year.

The Last of Us remastered and DLC content
Fear 3. To me it counts because I beat it this year.

Games I am trying : Red Orchestra 45-Ostrafront, Red Orchestra, Just Cause, Damn you Steam and your sexy sales.

So as you can see I am a busy gamer. But to me it doesn't matter how many games I beat in a given year. Trust, me...I have been averaging 10 somehow a year or somewhere in there. It is if I really loved the game and want to try something new. An example: I beat The Last of Us remastered , hands down a masterpiece in my book. The very first game for my PS4.
