Lately, as I eat this ice cream.
It is pecan for those that want to know-- I am having trouble because I have maybe eaten too much ice cream.
Take a step back would be purely necessary.
Mint is my favoritttttttttttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
But it has been like 90+ for a couple days and ice cream is a good way of cooling down.
I must have eaten my weight in ice cream this summer.
Does it help I am listening to: Bhangra music?
Happy to be writing on my blog once more.
Life has gotten hectic as always.
Here is what is going on: I saw hotties in the pool at the Luxor.
Went to EVO 2019 and it was fucking awesommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme.
I went 1-2. But regardless had fun.
Went to North Bay Ontario. From there I headed to Garcon, Ontario. I stayed and hung out there and Sudbury, Ontario. Met a cousin I never have met before. We had laughs and good food and her husband is rad. Likes the Reds of all the teams lol.
He does root for the Blue Jays.
She is funnier than a hoot. And she is really cool and hospitable. Got me gifts as well. I wasn't deserving of either.
Every type of food in Canada was excellent. Tim Horton's was very good. Had a bomb chicken sandwich.
I did not think I would compete in EVO 2019. But as luck had it turned around. I pulled some money from savings and wound up there. With friends to boot. Kali and Steve o followed me there and hopefully had a blast. IT WAS 1 0h -goddamn- 7.