Tuesday, December 3, 2019

My latest endeavor

Installing hard drives multiple should be moderately annoying but only moderately .
Technology sometimes will fuck me! I had a plan.

External finally died. The 2nd one to die in a span of 4 years or so. Gameplan: Buy an ssd because I want games on there and to boot the pc very fast and 1 tera is great and it will survive for a very long time. Replace external with more storage. 2 tb.

Okay so today I tried backing more data up. I got my iso...and made sure drivers and install files were on the usb. fdriveshows up on boot but not the file I needed.

Okay so now this is some bullshit. Try fdrive on diff computer. Says that files need tto be fixed. Roomate says no to the fix. Go on my own damn laptop. Can't login to the fucker! Have system disc for laptop. Currently waiting on laptop to reformat...