I am really getting sick of my parent's bitching.
I mean what the fuck. Saying things like retirement is around the corner.
Oh that time frame is around three years allegedly.
Then I remember I am outta school in the real world. A world where shit hits the fan a million miles a second. A time where statistics make up the majority of nasty unemployment.
Did you know 24+ year olds have a 24% unemployment rate?http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/25/news/economy/malemployment-
rate/index.html My bad that shit says fucking 36%.
How is this not a problem that government can't fucking remedy? I am sure this has been written a billion times. Let's look at again.
I am a recent graduate just like the other people taking jobs at Starbuck's and other fucking places like that. Sure, Starbucks is maybe a decent place to work but where the FUCK did you get your degree. Weren't you a journalism major, nursing major, law student.
This has gotten goddamn ridiculous.
Nobody has any accountability. No organization is going to make jobs or the place that makes them doesn't exist. We are getting fucked by loans, taxes, and other shit. Although, for now we can take out the tax element ...because I don't work.
It'd be one thing if I threw in the towel and said I never looked for a job. I have applied a small amount. I have applied for maybe 37 jobs. That's nothing compared to the whopping 100 my brother applied to. I mean the deepest in the job process I got was three interviews. It looked promising but something wasn't right and these bastards wouldn't tell you. The people of a company Ethos seemed to make a legit job posting. Although, like the movie Eraserhead everything looked good but there was a nasty undertone under it all. That seemed to be after the third interview that I was lied to. I guess this should be a great term in real life. In the real world people do conniving things, they will trample you to run to the top. Although, lying is something they must pride themselves on. It was a fucking door-to-door job. I didn't get a bachelors to be subjugated to door-to-door shit. So I did the smart thing and denied the job.
Although, I smashed every interview. It is sad that a company that seems great is crooked.
That's the real world. Although, I still believe in good people in this world it has been negative. The year getting out of school has been more than rough. I got outta college and it was a great time.
But now....shit a comet could hit and be better than the agonizing suffering that is this poor excuse for an economy. So who makes the jobs?
Let's see:
I have no idea. If it isn't the government maybe it is an elf or some shit, Clearly, this economy reflects the poor times.
I am just happy to write. It gives me an outlet to vent. I tried to make it sensible.
My worries are basic:
Eventually a place to live
Video games is a necessity to me...lol
I'll put jobs on the third rank. Jobs are important for guys and gals like me. I am not falling on entitlement but I can't stand here idly when we are getting dicked from everything. I was already dicked by my uni. There has to be some semblance of not getting screwed somewhere. A safe haven.
Thanks for reading.
It means a great deal even though my tone is not somber and very fiery.
Thank you David Lynch!
This has gotten goddamn ridiculous.
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