Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It had red eyes

Today, as this day was kinda crazy I wanted to express some shit.
I like a lot of paranormal stuff. Ghosts and UFO's and other type shit.
I am not gunna fuck with a Oujia Board.
No need to conjure anything from that board. Not worth it.
Not a good idea to get into black magic.
So I stay away from all that shit.
I just like investigating paranormal shit.
I am not that brave to visit actual sites. I let ghosthunters do all the investigating they want.

One thing that really intrigues me is the Mothman. In Pleasant View or Town or some Pleasant something or rather lives the Mothman. Today, I was watching the science channel and it told of the Mothman. Now back  in the early or late 70's there was a report of a man and his girlfriend going over a bridge in West Virginia. As they go over the bridge they see I think what they said....was a Mothman . A dark figure with large fucking wingspan and red eyes. Now that was in the 70's and maybe a little earlier than the 70's . I may have screwed the pooch with this mentioning. However, this lead to some major collapse of the bridge that their truck was on. So whatever this being is, Angel, demon, purveyor of the land's is fucking terrifying.
Does it serve as a prophetic messenger? Does it have alien origin? Dunno. I do however know that there's tons of speculation.
Let's go onto a different eerie account.
It was 2009 when this occured.Your name is Henry I think. Anyway I think that was his name....Henry or Henri. I just remember him saying in his eye witness account that him and his wife were driving. Who in their right mind looks for deer at like 10 or 11 p.m. at night? Again, the times are guessed. So if you're a Mothman theorists please...fucking correct me. I am really serious. I want to get as many facts as I can right. So you're out in a car and it is snowing. It is cold. I think the wind slowly was blowing. I don't think it was gusting or anything. Suddenly, he said he looked to the right and there's the Mothman. Motherfucker! Are you kidding me? It is there looking at the car. He claims it unhinged its left black wing. It then looked at them and dove off the side of the bridge and went away. He said they drove as fast as they could and got the hell out of there.
A) I would have probably shit my pants if I see what he describes as a six foot -ten creature or scary-ass fucking black being with red -eyes. B) There was no further investigation. I think we know the answer. If you shit yourself you can further instigate that you have browned your underwear. Therefore, you fall into a paralytic state of shock and shit. Therefore, it is deduced you can't move. Fuck!
Are you shitting me?! If that's the case I am not investigating anything. Not with a 6 '10 creature staring at me or my wife's soul. So he did the right thing and got the hell out of there. He even said I didn't even check to see what it was. The Mothman purportedly jumped off the side of the bridge and went away. Holy Fuck! That is so scary. You're telling me you see this goddamn thing and you don't stop to check it out. You got brains, kid, ya got brains. I am not sticking around to be eaten, maimed or otherwise devoured by said fucking creature. He also reported his wife can't talk about it. The very thought of the conversation makes her uneasy. So if you see the Mothman is there telkenetic energy surrounding it?
I am super curious.
What exactly is it? Why is it here? Does it actually prophesize doom? Does it have Mothman buddies that roam with the king Mothman? Is there a Mothwoman so as to be PC? Are there Mothman followers.
I have no answers for you. I do know that the sheer eerieness is enough to make you think fucking twice about looking for deer at 11 p.m.
Don't read this at night. Not a very wise idea. Not wise and just plain not very intelligent if you're looking to catch and early flight or you have work. and my fucking curiousity.

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