Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Let's be real

We hold on for hope and jobs

I am a new graduate with a Bachelor’s in Journalism?
And for what?
To be fucking yelled at by my parents. To have suggestions to go get jobs I don’t want.
To fucking being indebted and ball and chained by loans. This shit is not cool.
The United States is slowly crumbling financially…but then again so is the world.
Let’s be real.
I thought when I got outta school I would have landed one fucking, fucking, fucking job. No instead I moseyed on to a two month internship. I was asked to take on a project and I worked hard,.
And then fuck it like a bullet out of a gun I was shot out on to my ass. “The lady that broke her leg is coming back we don’t have any room for you.”
Well, that is telling it like it is.
These economic times which are very hard deprave college students of jobs. Our country can’t pass a budget and immigrants from all over are taking jobs from college grads.
This thing in the back of my mind this itch has got to me telling myself that it was worth it.
I will find something I will make money from.
I will earn a living .
And by fuck I will back the goddamn student third party loans.
Hold your head up high! 
Here’s a quote.