Friday, February 14, 2020

Dreams, Dreams, Plane

So my friend Banetto was in my dream.

Dream 1) We were all on this cheese wagon and we were rocking to and fro but it was not cloudy. In fact, it was hella sunny. Which is odd because you think about rain and thunderclouds in these sorts of dreams. He drove us somewhere. Almost, like going off a fucking cliff! But hell what did I know.
The dream ended as we edged towards the cliff. I woke up.

Dream 2) This was crazy I was in a big 727 airplane 737? I don't really remember which goddamn airplane. The plane was not even marked. Normally you see Southwest or Lufthansa or some other marking. This was a white aircraft. Yet, we were going to crash and then we landed in a field? Or something like it. The house was fucking massive it was a criss cut shape. Like it had a dissection of the middle of the house. So you could see everything. The bathtub was vivid in shape but I was being pursued by something. Not shadowy figures but something else entirely and oh god, the children in the next room were heavily breathing there was like a gillion of them. They weren't pointing to anything really just kinda fucking comatose> > <> And then maybe a 50's kitchen. Things got really blurry after that.

-.- :(:?