Friday, June 3, 2016

Stairway Down

I stayed at my sister's house yesterday.
I have been jet lagged for at least a couple days.

Anyway, she told me to go to sleep. And I obliged. But the lights were very dim.
Some flush type lights I had guessed. And then two other lights. The dimness was representative of a very dim orange glow.

But as I was sleeping I was distressed. I have no idea how to explain it but there was a mix of blue lights coming from somewhere


I have no fucking idea. I guessed maybe a usb outlet. Yeah, that must have been it. Though, maybe I was having a nightmare. But I swore to fuck that there were stairs on each side of me opening up.

There were no stairs.

Must have been my dream.

But it wigged me out all together.

I don't really know how to explain it. Stairs that stretched down and the light was off. But I felt them. Or something like them.

A lot is going on:
I have moved to  a new  place.
My uncle was at a hospice.
I just came back from Korea.
Maybe it was a full fledged culmination of all that is going on in my life.


I am really not sure.


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