Friday, July 22, 2016

Windows 7 eats Windows 10 eats 7.

I started with fucking Windows 7 .

I upgraded to the buggy Windows 10. Albeit, I expected a very ugly OS but I got something entirely new and different. Cortana is not that. And be smart about your privacy.

But I wanted to reformat my computer. I was ready and willing. And then a literal storm hit where I lived and everything got fucked. My computer would not boot from an OS because my dad shut off the OS load. It was so bad!

I freaked out! Why wouldn't I . There was an article due that night. So I was livid. So much in fact I didn't talk with my idiot father for three days. Who does dumb shit like that but doesn't claim responsibility.


So yeah it was terrible. My buddy Steve-o came through and saved my bacon. I am not sure I have any more bacon but maybe a bit. So now Windows 7 is what I have and I am happy. But I can't update it because I don't want to register it.

A) Because if I do that he can't really re-use his install disc.
B) And b the Windows 7 always has security flaws.

So I am happy with what I have and might have no choice to register it at some point and get 10.

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