Friday, February 3, 2012

The update on those pathetic financial aid people is this. They are not that pathetic.
For the first time in 3 years they actually said semi-coherent and non-incompetent words.
It was great.
What was not great was the fact that there is a company called Higher One.
In all honesty that company can go fuck itself.
It is so confusing. Our reimbursements  used to be simple and then the university pulled some shit.
Whoever was in charge of that move should be flown into the sun for the hassle and the ridiculous nature of it all. It has made a multitude of students irate. Including myself. Go fucking figure.
If you do something that foolish and expect there to be no consequences or back lash, you are just a damn imbecile.

And an update on that:
My dad recently decided to say hey pay for your own stuff. Thanks dad. That is like throwing your beloved child in the woods and saying bye I'll be at the house.
That was a very poor move on his part.
And with not being able to trust my mom my dad is trying my nerves. Stupid decision on his part. My money always goes to rent and suddenly it is like well not anymore.
So if I am short on rent. Then I am fucked!
Cool, guys, real fucking cool

In recent news: My grandma is still in poor health. If she dies I want her to die in her own house. She is my grandma and it is hard not to think about her.
It pains me to see her in her current state or rather hear about her in it.

That;s all.
Long-ass week.

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