Friday, December 26, 2014

Anger and Thunder

I am so fucking angry right now.

How do you tell your kid to leave the house when the economy is this poor?
I mean look at the facts here.
I was lied to by my parents that they were moving. It takes a long while to move anywhere. But for fuck's sake. This was horseshit.
They were not up front about anything.

This is what was used. Find a job in three months and leave. This was this. That is this and this is bullshit. I couldn't find a job in three months. So naturally, I was told to leave because they were moving.

What was never said was "Find a job so you can stay here we don't want you to leave."
When someone be it your parents or anyone tells you to leave you have to prepare. That's what I did.
That's exactly WHAT I FUCKING DID.

What else can you do?

Luckily my friend, will call him Gary, let me stay with him. He lives by himself and we are old college friends.

I have been at Gary's house for 2 months. When the first month was not producing any jobs. Be it me erring horribly, or me just not finding work. Although, I have been trying really hard to get a job.
I was so desperate I looked to McDonald's. I did however in the second month start taking a different approach. I started listening to my sister about networking. I know how to network but I haven't been to any networking events in the place I live. The Springs is an interesting place because there are transplants that move there. It went really well. I handed out my business cards. I don't even own a business. But I thought it'd work like that.  People in return gave me their cards.
So all was well with the land.

Yet, as I told my parents more of my friends are here they said I'd have to do another month. This was in my response that I had fucked up. Sure, I blamed myself for leaving my home but I think I was forced. You can't just lie to your kids. You just can't. I don't care if they're 30 , you should always be honest with them.

So now with all the work in the second month. I tell my parents again I can't hack it. I've learned my lesson. I went there without a job and it is very hard to get one. So can I return home and look for more opportunity.  My fucking mom combats me with the most of idiocy and says no. You can't come home. You just can't . You need to grow on your own. Even though the opportunities are more plentiful here in my hometown. So I'm like fuck. Well my friends gave me courage to ask my mom first and my dad second. My dad was on board and I had him convinced.

My mom says when are you going back to the Springs. And I say " I am not. I am coming home." And we get in a fight and I said my dad said I can come back. She says no "You'll be there another month." "They pay for all my shit." I tried to tell them it will cost more living there than in the Springs.
So I am really angry at my mom. I am infuriated with her. She lied to my face about moving and let my brother roam scott free. He did work until his girlfriend came home. He's held more jobs then I have and we both have degrees. I mean what in the fuck is wrong with my mom? She's not listening to reason. I won't ever forgive her for lying to my face. Also, I was willing to destroy my pride to come home. I can admit defeat if I need to. I can do it. If it means coming back home I will.

The place I live with is okay. There's not a lot to do. My bathroom was designed for a midget. My friend is really awesome. Gary, is a kick-ass guy. But the job opportunities are supremely less.

The relationship with my mom was once great and now it is splintering . I can't trust either of my parents. My dad is still cooler but he also lied. So it is just really hard to have any trust for either parent with what is going down.
The hope is that I guess I have to go back. FUCK! But I still need to find a job. Hopefully, I do something. I will still have to apply to places. That hasn't changed.

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